location:Home > Exhibition > Domestic
author:admin release:2020-05-15 17:34:00

Gu Yang, born in 1956 in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, is the Honorary Dean of Yangzhou Chinese Painting Academy, National First-Class Artist, Member of China Artists Association, Director of Jiangsu Artists Association, Deputy Director of Flower and Bird Painting Art Committee of Jiangsu Artists Association, and Vice President of Yangzhou Flower and Bird Painting Institution.

He has been dedicated to the creation and research of Chinese painting for years, striving for perfect combination of succession and development, and gradually formed his own distinctive artistic style.

He has participated in many national and overseas art exhibitions and won awards. He has held solo exhibitions and joint exhibitions in Beijing, Taipei, Hong Kong, Macau and overseas places including Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and the United Nations Asia-Pacific Headquarters. His works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, Zhejiang Art Museum, Li Keran Memorial Hall, Tower of Violet Light in Zhongnanhai, Cambodia National Art Museum and other departments.
